Carita Schmidt in front of Immersive Constellations, 2023, 120 x 100 cm, charcoal, fine liner, ink, acrylic, gold leaf on canvas.             

 Photo: Thorsten Bartelt

2023 GOLDEN CONSTELLATIONS was a two artist exhibition with CARITA SCHMIDT and MARGARETE WEIDLING-ROEHSE (1923-2003)


From 22 September to 3 November 2023, Carita Schmidt was a guest artist at Galerie Feuerfarben in Berlin-Friedenau. 

For the exhibition GOLDEN CONSTELLATIONS, Carita Schmidt exhibited her new series with focus on circular or oval shapes,

with DNA-like loop structures, lines or bold brushstrokes in monochrome spaces with gold leaf.

The golden shimmer linked Carita Schmidt's work with the enamel paintings of Margarete Weidling-Roehse.


2020, Exhibited from 18 - 31rd of January,  Atelierhof Kreuzberg, Berlin. The exhibition was curated by Artist and Curator Andreas Helfer.

Drawings from the series Territorium, 2017, mixed media on paper. Exhibition "Bestimmte und freie Automatismen in der aktuellen Kunst".

"Nacht und Tag" in the Gerichtshöfe, Berlin-Wedding, September 2018, 20 guest artists presented their art works. GER

Reception for 11 artists, Berlin, 2018, with Bettina Albrecht, Sandra Becker, Corinna Dunkel, Heryun Kim, Claudia Michaela Kochsmeier, Katrin Lengefeld, Hagen Rehborn, Carita Schmidt, Heinz Sterzenbach, Daniel Stolzenburg, Günther Vieth, GER

26th International art exhibition FormArt 2018, Marcellin_Verbe-Haus, Glinde near Hamburg, DE

Monday art salon, Atelierhof Kreuzberg, 2018, Berlin, GER


OPEN art 29, September 2017, Opening of the exhibition "Works on Paper", Dirk Halverscheid gallery, Munich, GER

Guest artist at Nigh & Day Open Studios, Weddinger Gerichtshöfe, September 2017, Berlin, GER 

Gallery of the Kunstzentrum Tegel-Süd, Berlin, 2016, GER

View of art works for the exhibition Morningyellow, 2015, Scandic Potsdamer Platz, Berlin, GER

Presentation of my art at B.AGL, 2013, Independant Art Fair, Contemporary Art Mall, Berlin, GER                                              Photos by Bilbo Calvez

View of the exhibition Tod, Liebe, Leben, 2013, Multeum Kulturhus, Strängnäs, SWE

View of the exhibition Mo-Ve-Ments, 2006, Archaological Museum Kavala, GRE                                                         Photo: Axilleas Savopoulos